Day: 5 July 2011

  • Day 315: Bricks

    Day 315: Bricks Originally uploaded by phillsacre Via Flickr: Daily Shoot assignment: "Make a photo of a regular or irregular pattern" This is a semi-regular pattern, or part of one. Part of a brick wall, taken from a strange angle.

  • Psalm 95: True Worship

    This is more for reference than anything else, but you can read the text of my sermon on Sunday night here: Psalm 95: True Worship. Unfortunately it wasn’t recorded so you won’t be able to listen, but I think it’s probably more clear on paper than I managed to make it on the night!

  • Speaking and preaching

    Well it’s been a busy old few weeks for us! The weekend before last, as mentioned, we had the 21 weekend away. This weekend, Phil went up to Yorkshire to look at some trees, and I was preaching on the Sunday evening. Let me just unpack that a little bit… on Friday evening we had…