Thinking Christianly about the world
Hi everyone, welcome to my website! This is a central hub for everything related to me on the internet. I am a church pastor and educator: I lead a house church, and I also create videos to help teach the…
Lies lead to hollow people – Podcast 81
This podcast looks at the importance of telling the truth, and how lies hollow out people and institutions. Riffing on Tucker Carlson’s speech I mentioned last week. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Freedom depends on who’s at the top – Podcast 80
In the next chapter of The Magna Carta of Humanity, Os Guinness explains how our freedom is won by the sovereignty and freedom of God. If we trust in people, we will end up disappointed. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast.…
Freedom requires realism – Podcast 79
In this podcast we continue looking at Os Guinness’ book, The Magna Carta of Humanity. In particular we think about his insights on freedom and whether freedom can be absolute. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Easter means don’t give up hope – Podcast 78
“Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.” – G. K. Chesterton In this podcast we look at some news from the last week, a bit of…
What is a human being? – Podcast 77
Our view of human beings is fundamental to society, government and our relationships. In this podcast we continue looking at Os Guinness’ book “The Magna Carta of Humanity” about the Biblical view of human beings and the difference it makes.…
Freedom requires authority – Podcast 76
In this podcast we look at the first chapter of Os Guinness’ book “The Magna Carta of Humanity”, about how freedom requires authority – i.e., God. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
New Book: Confused by Grace
I’ve written a book! It’s a Christian book – here’s the blurb: I’m going to be doing a video about it in the next few days, which you will be able to see on Understand the Bible, but you can…
The 1997 Hypothesis – Podcast 75
In this podcast we look at the “1997 Hypothesis” – the idea that 1997 was a watershed moment for our society. (At least) three significant things happened – the election of Tony Blair and New Labour, the death of Princess…
You say you wanna revolution? – Podcast 74
In this episode we start looking at Os Guinness’ new book “The Magna Carta of Humanity” and compare the 1776 American Revolution with the 1789 French Revolution. Which one do we want to build our society on? Alternatively, check out…
Is it time to leave the Church of England? – Podcast 73
Given what has happened in recent weeks, has the time come for orthodox believers and churches to leave the Church of England? In this video I give my thoughts on this question. Also we have some news and a reflection…