Long time, no post!

Not that much has been happening. Hopefully that will change soon though! Well, in a few weeks… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway. Tuesday went quite well. I got to and from Colchester without any major problems! Picked up my house key, dropped a few books off, met up with Kev B and Joe B. Went for a drink at the SU Bar, watched some episodes of Family Guy, had some dinner at the SU Bar, headed home. It was good to see some friends from uni — I want to go back there now! Still got another couple of weeks before I go back. Ah well, this summer has gone rather quickly. Not as quickly as I would have liked, but there you go ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway. Wednesday night was Tom’s party. He’s back from South Africa. It was pretty cool, a barbeque out in the garden. Went on til about 1:00 AM, had died down considerably then but there were still a few people around! I stayed the night. Went into Woodbridge with Tom the next morning, then came back home in the afternoon. It was all rather good fun.

Today I was working at the Sorting Office again, dead boring work but at least it pays. Tomorrow I’m working at the football ground. That’s the last thing that I know I’ll be doing with Blue Arrow (that I’m booked in for). Hopefully I’ll be able to get a few more days (or mornings) down at the Royal Mail, that should just about cover my expenses if I can get another six days down there!

I know I definitely won’t be doing Newmarket or the Football ground again, because there are no more days available at either of those places until I go back to uni.

Anyway, that’s just about everything for now. This is Phill signing off …


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