Well, I’ve just got my assignment mark back for CC371 Formal Methods. It’s the lowest mark I’ve ever got for an assignment, definitely since my second year but possibly since my first year! I’m not too happy about it, but I’ve looked it over and it was just a whole bunch of stupid mistakes that I’ve made. I’m not happy about the low mark, but it’s only worth 20% of the module, so there’s still a small chance that I’ll be able to get a decent mark in the exam. This is the problem with me, I’m always making stupid mistakes! I think it’s down to my sloppy and unmethodical thinking.

Ah well! I don’t have anything today, so I’m just trying to do some revision and failing miserably. Why oh why is there always so much else on when you want to revise??? There are just way too many distractions!

Right, back to (pretending to) revise whilst simultaneously working on a script for the house party… hmmm…


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