Lack of updates!

Well I do apologise, it’s been ages since I last updated! That’s mainly because there isn’t much interesting to say. I’m still waiting to hear back from the job interview that I had last Thursday. Apparently they were making the decision today, I rang up the agency and they said they were expecting to hear something back late afternoon but I didn’t get any calls… hopefully I’ll hear something tomorrow!

Um, I don’t think there’s really a whole lot else to say. I spend last night in Colchester, I went to the CU meeting and then spent the night at Philippa’s. Then I came back today! So, yes, very exciting (hmmm).

It seems like my original blog entry about William Pince has attracted a fair few visitors! At the time of writing there are 42 comments about it… that’s quite a scam they’re running there! Still, I guess if it saves people some money, that’s a good thing.

I might consider making a permanent page about it at some point… but I can’t be bothered!

That’s all for now.


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