The Weekend

So… what’s been happening this weekend? Well. You already know what I was up to on Friday, so I won’t mention it! On Saturday morning, Philippa and I went into town as there were a few bits and pieces that we needed to get. In the afternoon we went out to The Beth Chatto Gardens for lunch and a quick look round the gardens – it was beautiful! We took a couple of pictures, they’ll be up on the Yahoo! photos page soon.

In the evening, we headed down to Harlow: Rich (one of our friends from uni) is graduating soon, and so his parents held a party for him, his brother (21st birthday), and their 25th wedding anniversary. It was a really good evening actually – they had a band there doing the same kind of stuff as at the barn dance at Fordham a couple of weeks ago.

Yesterday, in the morning we went to Fordham, and then went back to Phil’s to have lunch and do some packing (she was moving some of her stuff to my place so that next week we won’t have loads of stuff to move over!). In the afternoon we went to Colchester Arts Centre for a piano recital. Someone called Trevor Cordwell (who I think is a local musician – I don’t know anything more about him) was playing two Beethoven sonatas (‘The Tempest’ and ‘Appassionata’), and Liszt’s sonata in D. It was really good – very enjoyable, even if it was quite humid in there! I don’t get to hear enough live music, so it makes it the more enjoyable when I do.

In the evening we moved some of Phil’s stuff to my place, and then spent the rest of the evening relaxing! And… that’s about it. So now you know 🙂


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