The Weekend

So… what have I been up to this weekend? Well, “not a whole lot” is the answer to that question! We’re still sorting things out with the flat, so that is what we’re spending most of our time on at the moment. We now have a new TV Unit and a new bookcase in the living room, which is making the place look a lot more “homey”… also a few other bits and pieces.

Yesterday, Phil’s parents and sister came round (the “in-laws”!), which was really nice. They helped with some sorting out and brought a few things up (such as some cards which were sent to them). After lunch we watched the tennis (good match – I definitely think Nadal is a future Wimbledon champion).

In the evening we watched “The Wedding Crashers”. Oh, and I ordered “Sky High” on DVD (now it’s down to a reasonable price 🙂

So much for the weekend! This evening, we’re going to watch “Pirates of the Caribbean 2” with some friends from church. I’ve heard mixed reviews of it – mostly good though, so we should be in for an enjoyable evening.


One response to “The Weekend”

  1. Firstly – Greetings from Italy!

    Secondly – Pirates is great! I hope you enjoyed it!

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