The past few days

I’ve been a bit lax in updating recently. Unfortunately I’ve not been well: I had a cold Tuesday and Wednesday last week, and again today! I think this was mainly because I went back to work before I felt completely better, and probably overdid it at the weekend as well. Speaking of the weekend…

On Friday night we had the 21 overnighter. This basically meant the 21ers arrived at 8pm on Friday night, we had an hour playing games, and then we split off into boys and girls groups. The girls watched a film, and the boys played Mario Kart on the Wii. After that we got ready for bed and slept – at least, in theory we slept. I don’t think I slept all that much to be honest, but still! It seemed to go pretty well and I think all the kids enjoyed it.

On Friday it was also Phil’s (30th!) birthday, so during the evening we had a little presentation where we gave her a card and a little present. Then, on Saturday, her parents came up, as well as Roz and Matt. We walked into Wivenhoe together and had lunch at the Greyhound. Apparently they’ve just opened up a restaurant there, and it was very nice! I had a steak, and it was cooked about right – tender, and tasty.

Afterwards we wandered back home, and chatted for a while. When they’d left we cleared up, and then Anne-Marie and Sarah came round for a bit and we had pizza and watched the rest of Cranford. We very much enjoyed the series, and it was nice to see AM and Sarah again. Felt like ages since the last time!

Anyway. On Sunday, we went to the all-age service in the morning. Afterwards Julie, Dave and Emma came round and we went to the Anchor at Nayland for lunch. It was delicious, as always, then we came back home and had a cup of tea with them before they headed off and we went out to Sunday@6. After that we just came back home and watched Top Gear.

So, all in all, it wasn’t a bad weekend, despite me not feeling brilliant for some of it! I’ve had the day off work today though, so I’m hoping that will knock this cold on the head and I’ll start feeling better. Must remember: overdoing things when you’re not feeling well does not make it easy for your body to recover! Must allow some time to recuperate…


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