The Two Hundred Dollar Cheesecake

This week at college it’s “Namugongo Week”. Oak Hill has a partner college in Uganda called Uganda Martyr’s Seminary, and this week is designed to raise funds to support students there. The plan is to raise £10,000 – that’s enough money to support 25 students for a year.

So, as part of the week Oak Hill hosts a variety of fundraising events, the highlight of which is possibly the auction. This year the auction was on Monday afternoon, and a whole variety of lots were up for grabs – lots of babysitting, some cakes, drumming lessons, a painting created specially, etc etc. Basically anyone could put pretty much whatever up for grabs, a skill or time or something like that. We – as in the first years – had been warned that this was something to budget for, i.e. you should plan it in with your giving for this term. They were not wrong.

The lots went for some quite high prices in the end – some chutney went for about £60, the drumming lessons went for over £200, etc. One of the latter items to come up was a “White Chocolate Cheesecake”, which apparently had gone for quite high prices in previous years. I decided to bid for it, as cheesecake – especially white chocolate cheesecake – is one of my favourite things.

Well, the bidding started at £50, and skyrocketed. I … well, basically, I got a bit carried away, and kept sticking up my finger. Until the bidding stopped, and I ended up the winner.

So that’s the story of how I ended up spending £200 on a cheesecake. More details to follow…


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