Brief Round-up – Podcast 112


3 responses to “Brief Round-up – Podcast 112”

  1. Martine Horvath avatar
    Martine Horvath
    Great link for you Phil.
    7mins in to 32 mins Aaron Siri feeding back in a great legal win securing free field texts publication from CDC/FDA in judges 29 page ruling preventing coding and grouping of serious adverse health events too👍💪👏👌
    Half way in = Excess Deaths segment in the Jackson report is next and finally a super section (excluding his evolutionary stance of course) on Indoctrination talking about the important E of vitamin D in Alzheimer’s prevention , all round immune system and health benefits, and very interesting talk about the Hypo-campus and hypothalamus of the brain and the possibility of the spike protein being deliberately wrapped in a lipid nano particle to go through the blood brain barrier to damage this crucial part of our brains and make us more ‘controllable’ easier to manipulate and how important it is to stay curious and stimulate the brain with the things is needs (not watching the 10 o’clock news before bed for instance and polluting our brain and rebooting it in a negative way damaging other memories that are overridden with such pollution/fear) because our mental health and well being is inextricably linked to our immune system’s health.

  2. PS Forgot to say we just watched Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone…very educational in terms of the history of events leading up to the mess we have today and certainly not likely to be covered or advertised in the mainstream media. Also well worth a watch. Think it was streamed on Amazon as we could only watch an my in laws as we don’t have Amazon tv.

    1. Thank you Martine for those links! I appreciate it. I’ll have a look later 😊

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