Category: In the news
Lockdowns and the “Greater Good”
Is it right to do something you know is wrong for some greater good? Do lockdowns fit into this category? What does the Bible say about the “greater good”? Here I look at some of the ways our society thinks of the “greater good”, and we look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The…
Hugging and expert overreach
It seems to me when experts are telling us what basic physical contact is and is not safe for us, we have a problem. Links I didn’t mention this in the video, but there are lots of benefits to hugging – see this website for example. I wrote about experts here earlier on in the…
How fear leads to lockdown
Why did lockdown happen? Frank Furedi argues in an article on Spiked that we were already primed for lockdown because of our culture of fear and safetyism. But how do we combat fear? My article on Understand the Bible about the fear of the Lord is here.
Why lockdowns are immoral… explained using BRIO!
In my previous video about why lockdowns are immoral I wanted to say one more thing but ran out of time. In this video I take a more in depth look at what philosophers call the trolley problem.
The Legalism of Lockdown
There’s a concept from Christianity called “legalism” which I think has become evident in our society’s response to covid. So what is legalism, and why is it a bad thing?
We need a new reformation
I’ve been thinking for a long time now that we need a new reformation. The last year or so has convinced me that this is critically important for the health of our society. But I am convinced that God is at work.
Why the obsession with masks?
One of the most puzzling things of the last 12 months is this: why is it that some people, especially the government, are so obsessed with masks? Why do people treat them as if they’re the only thing standing between us and disaster? Links I mention in the video: UsForThem – Swiss Doctor –…
Why lockdowns are immoral
Discussion about the rights and wrongs of lockdown usually focusses on whether they are effective, or how serious covid is, etc. Here I want to go back to the beginning and ask whether lockdowns are morally right. I give two reasons why I believe lockdowns are immoral and should never have been attempted. The article…
Are dark forces behind current events?
“I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but…” I’ve heard this more than once over the last few months. It’s really hard to explain what is going on without it. The Bible has a lot to say which can help us explain about the dark forces going on behind the scenes.
Why did we lock down?
In March 2020 the UK ditched its pandemic preparedness strategy and switched to lockdowns. Why? I suggest that, although there are many reasons, the roots go to a problem which has been around for a long time. If you’d like to read the 2011 Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy, you can see it here. Dominion by…