Tag: abortion

  • The Regressive Progressives – Podcast #41

    The Regressive Progressives – Podcast #41

    Today we look at progressivism and analyse it from a Christian perspective. We also think about why there was such an extreme reaction after Roe vs Wade was overturned, and have a reflection on Romans 3v9-20. Links Groomed documentary Archbishop Cranmer blog on response to Roe vs Wade Gay rights led to the trans madness…

  • Abortion is the new slave trade

    Abortion is the new slave trade

    In a recent article I mentioned abortion as the most egregious example of the barbaric way our society treats children. The other day, I was struck by another angle: abortion could be compared with the transatlantic slave trade. Let me explain. A question of rights It seems to me the pro-choice argument largely boils down…

  • The barbaric way we treat children will be the undoing of the West

    The barbaric way we treat children will be the undoing of the West

    “The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer If this is true, then we must live in a barbaric society: it struck me forcefully yesterday that our society routinely throws children under a bus. Consider: Young people and especially children have suffered the most from the…

  • Cathy Warwick and Pro-Choice Logic

    Cathy Warwick has been in the news lately – she signed the Royal College of Midwives up to support a legal campaign for the removal of abortion limits in the UK. (Currently, if a woman undergoes an abortion outside of the law, it is a criminal offence.) This would effectively allow abortion to happen up until…

  • Post-script to Secularism

    My last post has generated a fair bit of controversy – I don’t think I’ve ever made a blog post which has attracted so many comments! I’d just like to write a very brief postscript to that with a link to a blog post about after-birth abortion: two doctors have written in the Journal of Medical…