Tag: carol

  • O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Meaning

    O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Meaning

    It’s been a while since I last posted in my occasional ‘hymnology’ series, where I look at the meaning of Christian hymns. You can see the previous ones under the hymnology tag. Seeing as it’s Advent Sunday, I thought it might be worth looking at the popular Advent hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. It’s…

  • Happy Christmas

    I did say a few days ago I’d try and post again before Christmas. I was planning to write something intelligent and profound, but – well, actually, given it’s me you may be waiting a long time for that! I just wanted to post up a quick “Happy Christmas” to you. At our carol service…

  • Christmas Carols

    I was originally intending to write a little light-hearted ‘review’ of some Christmas Carol lyrics here, but somewhat ran out of steam. Instead, I just wanted to post one or two thoughts about the Christmas Carols which many people (in this country at least) sing year on year. We’ve been to a carol service this…