Tag: hebrews

  • Hymnology: By Faith we see the hand of God

    February here at St Mark’s is ‘all-request’ month. People have the opportunity to request a favourite hymn or a song, and we’ll sing them  at services throughout the month. My request for the month was “By Faith” by Townend and Getty. This is a song which is particularly inspired by the famous chapter 11 of Hebrews,…

  • Steve Chalke and the Bible vs Hebrews

    Steve Chalke wants to start a global discussion about the Bible – see the video here or the document here. You may remember, he made his views on same-sex marriage clear last year, and I commented then that I didn’t agree with his understanding of Scripture. He’s gone one step further this time, but I don’t want…

  • Happy Christmas

    I’d just like to wish all my loyal blog readers a happy Christmas. May it be peaceful and refreshing and full of good cheer! This term at college I am going to be studying the book of Hebrews, which talks a lot about the supremacy of Christ. I’d like to quote from the opening verses,…

  • The Mountain of Joy

    What with the one thing and another, it’s been a bit doom and gloom here lately. Every so often I see or read something which really strikes me in a positive way, and I had that experience a couple of days ago. I was reading through the New Testament, preparing for a test next week.…