Tag: politics

  • Reconfiguring Politics – Podcast #24

    Reconfiguring Politics – Podcast #24

    Why is it that there’s no difference between the political parties any more? What do we need to do to bring change? Finishing with a reflection on Psalm 2. Links Breaking the Silence article from Dr Cartland WEF Video Are we all cultural marxists now? by Dr Simon Newman

  • When science becomes politics, people die

    When science becomes politics, people die

    Over the last 15 months we’ve got used to the sight of social media fact-checkers. But are they impartial and unbiased? And is there a deeper problem going on in the field of science? Articles I mentioned The Scandal of the Suppressed Case for Ivermectin (The Conservative Woman) COVID-19: The final nail in the coffin…

  • How do we solve the problem of politics in 2020 and beyond?

    How do we solve the problem of politics in 2020 and beyond?

    I believe politics is in big need of a reboot. I believe much of the Western world (but particularly the US and UK) is suffering. Take, for example, the division in society about issues like Brexit, Covid, Transgender, etc. These have all become highly politicised. You can understand why an issue like Brexit would be…

  • Christians are not left or right (politically)

    Christians are not left or right (politically)

    Over the last year or two I’ve got into YouTube: it has gradually become a valuable resource where you can access high-quality content. One of the channels that I’m subscribed to is Douglas Carswell – he is formerly the MP for Clacton (who achieved notoriety by becoming UKIP’s first MP when he defected from the…

  • Should an Archbishop speak out about politics?

    Justin Welby has been in the news recently for speaking out about politics. Notably, he called for higher taxes to tackle an ‘unjust economy’. He’s garnered quite a lot of criticism for speaking out in this way, and has written an article defending speaking out publicly. Others have written about this more eloquently and wisely…

  • Brexit, politics, and counterfeit gods

    Every so often I am asked to contribute a short piece to end our local spoken news service – the Tendring Talking Times. This was my contribution for this week. It seems like the world is going mad at the moment. The Brexit vote a few weeks ago triggered an avalanche of bad feeling in…

  • Brexit and the decline of Christian understanding

    The last few days I have felt particularly ashamed to be British. Not because the country voted to leave the EU, but because of the backlash following it. I appreciate that many people felt deeply unhappy with the result – it’s natural and understandable. Many people believed that leaving the EU was the wrong decision.…