Tag: relationships

  • More than Survival: Relationships – Podcast #18

    More than Survival: Relationships – Podcast #18

    In this episode we start a new series “More than Survival” – human life is more than simply surviving. We especially look at how human relationships are not an optional extra for life. Links Letter from the Israeli doctorThe Human Identity Crisis by Mike OveyThe Ten Commandments Introduction on Understand the Bible

  • Being AT church is not BEING church

    Being AT church is not BEING church

    Can you remember LBL – Life Before Lockdown? (It’s a new acronym, I hope it’ll catch on). It feels like life has changed so much in the past year, it’s hard to remember what it was like before. My days were full of activities and meetings – taking a look back in my diary brings…

  • House, Marriage, and Grace

    Over the past few months, Mrs Phil and I have been watching through “House, M.D.” If you’ve never watched the series before, I can recommend it – it is pretty compelling! That said, some of the time it is a bit frustrating: the series as a general rule seems to buy into many of the…