Tag: sex
Why ‘consent’ is not enough – Podcast 99
In this podcast we focus on the Russell Brand affair over the last few days. The whole thing has made me realise just how deeply sick we are as a culture: the way the accusations were made, the hypocrisy of the media, the social media reaction, and the contrast with Christian sexual ethics. * Apologies…
Another scandal. We desperately need spiritual reformation
What can we learn after yet another prominent Christian leader falls to sexual temptation? Is there a problem in the way we preach the gospel? Here I argue that the church desperately needs another spiritual reformation. The preacher and evangelist Ravi Zacharias died recently. It didn’t take long after his death for reports of sexual…
Will there be sex in the new creation?
A few weeks ago I read a post over on the Think Theology blog called “When I grow up” by Andrew Wilson. I often enjoy his articles and this was no exception. He quotes C.S. Lewis: I think our present outlook might be like that of a small boy who, on being told that the…
Sex is burning the house down #MeToo
Sex is like fire. In the fireplace it keeps us warm. Outside the fireplace it burns down the house. Ray Ortlund. Apologies if I’ve reminded you of a song by the Kings of Leon (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, consider yourself fortunate). I came across the quote above recently and I found it…