Simon on the Radio!

I’ve just been listening to Radio 2 to hear Simon‘s attempt at The Big Quiz. He came second unfortunately, but for posterity the MP3 will soon be available to download from Simon’s site ๐Ÿ™‚ (I recorded it from the internet. Because of this Simon now said he will buy me the biggest drink that will fit in a pint glass at The Summer Ball — and I’m going to hold him to that!)

Anyway. I haven’t done much the rest of the day as usual, I’m so glad exams are over! I got my haircut earlier, as it’s the ball this Saturday and I want to look my best. I will try and get some pictures of me up here as well! Having said that I’m sure someone on someone’s site will…

I’m going home on Thursday or Friday to pick the car up from home and bring it back here, the reason being I’m driving people to where we’re going on the house party next week. I’ll probably take my bike home as well. Fun fun fun!


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