I’m Alive!

At least, I think so. Not that there is any reason to dispute this fact. But I just felt like posting up “I’m Alive”. Because I am. Or at least, I think so. I can’t prove it to you…

Anyway. Yesterday I worked again at the school. Then, uh… I don’t think I did anything particularly interesting. Today I worked for the same catering company that I worked for first of all with the agency! They were doing a barbeque at a sort of open day for EDF electricity (it was a kind of fair). Basically just serving hot dogs and burgers to people. Fun! — I think.

I’ve been in contact with a few people from uni and stuff. Looks like I’ll be going back Monday 15th, which is nice. Next week I will be buying a new pair of shoes, a computer desk, a wireless DSL router (already bought, but will arrive hopefully next week) and going up to Colchester to arrange CU Fresher’s week publicity and drop off half my stuff. Which will be nice.

Rock on.


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