Hello there!

Hi, I just thought I’d make a quick post saying what I’d been up to. I came down to London on Monday to stay with Philippa, and have been down here since then. The weather hasn’t exactly been the best it could have been, in fact it’s been a bit miserable, but we’ve had a good time nonetheless.

Monday was the best day, so in the afternoon we went out for a good walk! On Tuesday we went into Bromley to have lunch, and then in the evening we went to the cinema to see “Hitch”. It was very good, quite silly but a good Rom-Com! One of those I don’t mind going to the cinema to see, although probably won’t buy on DVD…

Yesterday we went into London to have a look round the GLA building – it was very interesting! Go just to have a look at the big aerial photo of London including greater London, it’s really cool. And in the evening we had a curry with a couple of Phil’s friends.

And this evening we’re going to a concert, with the BBC symphony orchestra or something like that! I’ll let you know how it is – all for now 🙂


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