The Weekend … well, yesterday at least

I didn’t really do much over the weekend, and I think what I did do I’ve already written about! Anyway. Yesterday I went to Fordham in the morning. Then I went back home for lunch, and then Philippa came round for the afternoon. She had to write some intercessions for this evening (more on that later), so I spent the time implementing the photo gallery (as you have already seen!)

In the evening, we went round to Alex’s for chillout night. We were joined by Chris J (one of the new freshers) and went for Fish and Chips in Wivenhoe – as it was chucking it down with rain we drove there and back, and had them inside! I don’t think we’ll be eating fish and chips by the quayside again for a while…

Anyway. Then, another fresher (Sarah) joined us to watch “Galaxy Quest”. I’ve seen it several times before but I still enjoy it – it’s very well written!

This evening, Alex has his commissioning service. He’s been Chaplaincy Assistant now since late August – it’s only taken them nearly three months to commission him! I’m sure it will be a good evening, though 🙂

And that’s it! All for now…


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