The Weekend

Firstly, I’d like to apologise for not posting much last week! I was fairly busy for most of the week, hence me not getting around to writing anything here. Ah well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes!

Right, the weekend. On Friday evening, I didn’t do a huge amount. Philippa came round for a bit in the evening. I also read some of my new book which arrived last week (more on that later). On Saturday morning we went into town and ordered our wedding rings, which was rather exciting 🙂 Hopefully they will arrive soon (preferably some time before the 24th June…) Afterwards we had lunch at the Playhouse.

In the afternoon we went to Asda to do some shopping – we had a 20s and 30s meeting at Fordham later in the day, and it fell to us to prepare some food for it! We bought a bunch of cheese & tomato pizzas and some toppings. Although there were only four people at the meeting in the end (I don’t think it was the most convenient of days for everyone!), we had a good time and discussed how we wanted the group to pan out over the next few months.

Yesterday, we went to St Andrews (Greenstead) in the morning to hear our banns read. It was a nice service, I enjoyed it! Then back to Philippa’s for some lunch and some Doctor Who watching. I’m quite enjoying the new series of Doctor Who… I think I actually prefer David Tenant to Christopher Ecclestone, although it’s a tough one. The episodes are very well written, and I think I’m quite hooked on it!

Anyway. In the afternoon we went round to Phil B and Jenny’s place for a bit to have a cup of tea, then we went back to mine to have a curry and watch “Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back”. So, a fairly relaxing Sunday!

I have a couple of reviews to write as well, but I’ll write those in a separate post shortly…


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