A midsummer night’s Futurama watching session

Just wanted to post up quickly about Monday night’s performance at the Mercury Theatre. Like I said in my previous post, we went to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It was my first live Shakespeare performance, and it was fantastic! The best part of it was the amateur players – their performance at the end stole the show. Everyone was laughing, in fact I think a lot of the actors were having difficulty keeping a straight face!

So, yes, I think it’s on for a bit longer – I’d definitely recommend going to see it if you’re around Colchester 🙂

The reason I mention Futurama in the title is because Philippa bought me the whole box set of Futurama – all four series! Yay! Now I just have to sit down and watch all of them through… as Mike Myers said in Wayne’s World, “Excellent”.


One response to “A midsummer night’s Futurama watching session”

  1. Joe B avatar

    That sounds like “a most excellent” present indeed – plus it will help boost DVD sales and hopefully encourage them to make more episodes …

    Totally awesome!!!

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