La Tasca, and Holidays!

Last night, Philippa and I went to La Tasca on North Hill to celebrate my birthday ๐Ÿ™‚ La Tasca is a Spanish Tapas bar / restaurant. I’d never been to a Tapas restaurant before, but I really enjoyed it! I’d definitely recommend it to anyone if they want a place to eat out in Colchester ๐Ÿ™‚ The food was great, and actually not as expensive as I’d thought (it cost the two of us about ร‚ยฃ35 including about ร‚ยฃ15 for a bottle of wine!). I think we’ll definitely be going back there at some point!

The other thing I wanted to say was, we are going away on holiday for two weeks as of this evening. Because we’re going to the deepest, darkest part of the Lake District (well, not really, but still), I probably won’t be able to update this blog while we’re away. Just to forewarn you that things will be rather quiet on the blog front for a couple of weeks ๐Ÿ™‚

Hopefully I’ll have lots of nice pictures to upload when I get back. All for now, see you in a couple of weeks!


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