Fairly quiet…

Sorry that I haven’t updated much over the past few days… it’s all been fairly quiet really! Nothing much has happened here…

On Saturday we did a bit of shopping during the day, in the evening we went round to a work colleague of Philippa’s for dinner. On Sunday we went to church in the morning as per usual, came back and did a bit of the Moore Course unit we’re on at the moment, and then in the evening watched Top Gear.

It’s fantastically exciting life!


2 responses to “Fairly quiet…”

  1. Sounds awfully like my life. What did you think of top gear??
    I’m happy that Richard won for once, he never seems to win and a big plus for peddle power.

  2. Top Gear was good again! And yeah, it was good to see Hammond win it – he worked so hard, I think he deserved it. And good to see that public transport beat the car as well – although that’s not always the case, perhaps it will encourage more people not to drive across London.

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