Out with the old, in with the new

The second series of Torchwood finished with a bang (literally) on Friday night. It was pretty standard Torchwood fair – i.e. nothing was explained particularly well – but they did at least do the exit of Tosh and Owen pretty well. I thought Naoko Mori’s performance was fantastic, and Burn Gorman did pretty well too.

It concludes what was, in my eyes, a much better series of Torchwood. I think they’d listened to the criticism from the past series, and tried to adjust the tone accordingly. Although there is still quite a way to go, I have enjoyed watching this series – which is more than I can say for series one, which I found quite a trial at times!

Like someone on the Behind the Sofa blog suggested, if they’d just cut down a bit on the number of episodes it could have been really good.

Anyway, Saturday night saw the return of Doctor Who – and it got off to a great start! I watched a repeat of the Christmas Special with Catherine Tate last Christmas, and I thought then that she would do a good job. If “Partners in Crime” is anything to go by, that’s definitely true! The scene between her and her grandpa was really quite touching, and she has a real chemistry with David Tennant.

And Rose has returned! That was a very mysterious five seconds at the end of the episode – I wonder where it will lead.

The story itself was a fairly typical “first episode of the new season” one, but it was a good laugh and I enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to the next twelve episodes – I’m sure it will be “fantastic”!


4 responses to “Out with the old, in with the new”

  1. Erm… Still not seen the episode… And coming from this position think a spoiler warning might’ve been appropiate with certain comments (to be fair I did know it was coming but for the people who don’t you venture onto thin ice…)

    Will report back after actually watching the thing!

  2. Ah sorry Alex, forgot you hadn’t seen the episode still! ๐Ÿ™ But I guess once the episode has been aired it’s fair enough not to populate every post about a TV show with “spoiler warning”. I haven’t done that for any other episode other than the one which I watched on BBC3 which hadn’t been aired on terrestrial.

  3. I see where you’re coming from, and I’m not saying go through some elaborate censoring mechanisms. I’m just commenting that a warning might’ve been a good inclusion – like I said – I knew that was coming anyway! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Me again…

    Have now watched said episode and I am happy to saw that I’m extremely impressed (think I need to re-think Chris Chibnall). True there were some iffy moments but the majority was extremely good and I think the special mention needs to go the music – when can we get the soundtrack CD?!

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