Hat Trick!

So, this weekend was comparitively quiet! On Friday night we helped out at 21 as per usual. Then on Saturday we did a bit of shopping during the day, and just spent a bit of time relaxing! I have rediscovered OpenTTD (which, incidentally, is all Matthew’s fault!) so I’ve been spending hours designing railway networks. They’re not very complicated ones at this stage, but I am aiming to work in some cool junctions at some point… it will be like Clapham Junction!

Aaaanyway. On Saturday evening we stayed in, watched a bit of Futurama – generally didn’t do very much! Which is probably a good thing as the rest of June is quite busy for us. On Sunday we went to two services in the morning (shock! horror!) and then, a service in the evening as well (gasp)! Still, they all went pretty well – particularly Sunday@6. I felt like the music really clicked last night, and there were quite a few people there as well, which was good after a couple of quiet weeks.

So, there you have it! You may still be wondering about the title of my post. I should clarify: on Friday, I bought us tickets to go and see Muse at the O2 in November 🙂 It’s a hat-trick because by the end of this year we will have seen our three favourite bands live (Keane, in February, and Coldplay in September). Really looking forward to the next two – Keane were amazing in February, if the next two gigs are equally as good I will be happy.

Unfortunately, I could only get seated tickets for the Muse gig (at Keane we were standing – and pretty near the front too!), but I’m sure the music will be good either way. Roll on September and November – not something you hear me say often!


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