Ware’s the Wedding

This weekend was relatively quiet, as weekends for us go! On Friday we helped out at 21 as per usual. Then, on Saturday we spent the day doing various things which needed to be done i.e. a bit of shopping and gardening (well, mowing the lawn anyway!).

In the evening we headed down to Ware in Hertfordshire for Philippa and Tom’s wedding, at a place called Fanhams Hall Hotel. (It should be noted that the Philippa was not my wife – but she was flatmates with Phil at uni a few years ago. Strange world.) It was a really plush place – although we did wander in to someone else’s wedding by mistake! When we arrived at reception, we asked where Philippa and Tom’s wedding was, and she pointed us through. When we went in the DJ announced the first dance and cutting of the cake, and said “Congratulations to Stewart and Zoe”… ooops! Fortunately we were only in there for about ten seconds so were able to beat a hasty (and stealthy) retreat. Anyway, after finding out where we were supposed to be, we had a good time and spent half the time dancing the night away.

We weren’t at church on Sunday morning as we didn’t get back until the small hours! But some friends of ours from church had previously asked us round for lunch, so we headed out at lunchtime. They weren’t expecting us! – it was arranged a few weeks ago. Because we were not at the prayer meeting on Thursday night, and then not at church in the morning – plus someone at church said that we were away for the weekend – they assumed that we were away! So that was all rather embarrasing, but quite funny 🙂 We did have a nice lunch there anyway, and stayed until the mid afternoon.

Then we got back home, watched the second half of the Andy Murray vs. James Blake match (go Andy Murray! – wonder if he will ever win Wimbledon? on that form, maybe), and then headed out to Sunday@6. I was playing lead guitar for the first time, so that was quite nerve-wracking but seemed to go quite well!

After Sunday@6 we came back home and watched “Grow Your Own”, a little-known British film. It was actually really good, I would definitely recommend it! And… that’s pretty much it.


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