If you’re new here…

Hi everyone, welcome to my website! This is a central hub for everything related to me on the internet.

I am a church pastor and educator: I lead a house church, and I also create videos to help teach the Christian faith. I also have a podcast where I talk about what’s going on in the world from a Christian perspective.

These days I tend to write on Substack (which is also where the podcast is based), so if you want to keep up with writing please do subscribe there. This blog will remain available as an archive. I started blogging back in 2003, so I have over 2,000 posts worth of content. Admittedly most of it in the early days was just a boring diary of what was going on in my own life, but then what else is blogging for?!…

Do feel free to get in touch if you’d like to. God bless, and I hope I see you again soon!


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