Category: Site News

  • If you’re new here…

    If you’re new here…

    Hi everyone, welcome to my website! This is a central hub for everything related to me on the internet. I am a church pastor and educator: I lead a house church, and I also create videos to help teach the Christian faith. I also have a podcast where I talk about what’s going on in…

  • Moving to substack…

    Moving to substack…

    If you’re a regular listener to the podcast, you’ll know that over the last few weeks I have been on a mission to become less dependent on Big Tech. I’ve decided that one way of doing that would be to migrate the Sacred Musings podcast away from YouTube and to Substack. I’ve seen a few…

  • Website: new look!

    Website: new look!

    I have redesigned my website – which I’m sure the observant among you will notice. (If you are, indeed, reading this on my website). I felt that the previous design had become more than a little stale. Not to mention it felt amateurish – which is not surprising, given that it was designed by Yours…

  • Welcome! A brief intro…

    Hi everyone. Welcome if you’re new here! This blog contains a mix of written and video content – lately the content has been video (see Sacred Musings) rather than written content, although I will continue to write from time to time. If you’d prefer to just see written content, there’s a box at the top…

  • Same site, different look

    Hi folks, just to let you know that I’ve updated the appearance of this website. I was having difficulty finding a theme I like. WordPress is great, but one of the problems is it seems themes are getting more and more complicated. I wanted something which was just simple and straightforward! So, for the first…

  • Making Sense of 2020

    Making Sense of 2020

    I’ve been blogging here for a long time – nearly 20 years, in fact! Over the last few years, as the world has changed, I’ve started to post up more about working out what’s going on in the world. Especially from a Christian perspective (as you’d expect). 2020 has been a crazy kind of a…

  • Videos & the blog – update

    I’ve just uploaded the last in my series on “How to grow as a Christian” – looking at the cross from Mark’s gospel. I apologise that my blog has become even more neglected over the last month, but I have been uploading videos weekly. If you want to follow these videos, the best thing is…

  • Comments closed

    I’ve made the decision to close comments on this blog. This decision has been coming for a long time now, but my previous post finally decided me. It was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. The reason is mainly because I am no longer convinced that comments on blogs really achieve anything. In fact,…

  • All quiet on the blogging front

    Just wanted to apologise here for how quiet it’s been here recently. Starting my new role as the curate here, moving house, and having a daughter who’s just turned one continues to take up the vast majority of my time! I do have thoughts about things I can blog about, but most of the time I…

  • Before the Storm…

    The last three weekends have been pretty busy for us – we’ve been up in Colchester (or thereabouts) for various reasons! We had a great time seeing friends and family and generally catching up with people. However, as of yesterday Mrs Phil is 37 weeks pregnant – which means that, if the baby is born…