Category: Politics

  • Why be “political?” – Defending Sacred Musings

    Why be “political?” – Defending Sacred Musings

    In my latest podcast, I mentioned that I had recently come under some criticism for the way that Sacred Musings is getting political. In particular, some friends who had been supporting me for the last year or so stopped their support because they believed me to be moving towards a divisive political ideology. I suspect…

  • Why the government needs accountability

    Why the government needs accountability

    Last week I started thinking about some principles of government. This time I focus on the issue of accountability: why do we need it, and where has it been over the last 12 months or so? Links mentioned in the video: The funeral of our craven, spineless media by James Delingpole Why has Google censored…

  • What is the government there for?

    What is the government there for?

    Last time we thought about how it feels like we’re in an abusive relationship with the government. So what should the government be like instead? Let’s take it back to first principles. Romans 13:1-5 is one of the few Bible passages which deal directly with the government. Let’s see which principles we can draw out.

  • On experts and being too optimistic

    On experts and being too optimistic

    A few days ago, the Irreverend Podcast discussed my previous article about lockdown and the end of “experts”. I enjoyed the episode and I thought the discussion was helpful. It’s nice to find like-minded clergy who don’t buy into the typical Guardian worldview! Anyway, the conversation did provoke me to think about what I wrote…

  • Will Lockdown be the end of “experts”?

    Will Lockdown be the end of “experts”?

    A few years ago Michael Gove made his infamous statement: “people in this country have had enough of experts”. At the time I think I found it vaguely amusing – at the time, there were a lot of experts who had been weighing in about the EU. But over the last few months it’s come…