Category: Random other stuff
Weddings (etc): Live Band vs DJ… FIGHT!
Some of you may know, I occasionally do a bit of DJing (at the moment the operative word there is ‘occasionally’, but still). I’ve done a few weddings in the past, as well as other events. I’ve also been a ‘punter’, or guest, at a number of weddings and that kind of thing with DJs…
Is Secularism ‘neutral’, ‘godless’ – or even possible?
After writing my previous post, I read Gillan’s excellent post over at the God and Politics blog, which I do commend to you. At the bottom of the article, he linked through to an article on the Theos Think Tank website, written by a Christian barrister, entitled “Is Secular Law possible?” I would encourage anyone…
Marriage, Part II
This is a follow-up to my previous post, “What is Marriage?“ No-one took the bait on my previous post about godless ethics, so I am forced to write once again about the only subject at the moment which seems to get people going like nothing else. I said previously that there was another article on…
What is marriage?
I’ve blogged about the whole ‘equal / same-sex marriage’ thing before (here, for example). I don’t really have anything else to say about the way ‘bigots’ who disagree are being steamrollered out of the way; instead I want to talk about something which seems to have been somewhat missed in this whole debate: what is marriage?…
My World: Bookshelf Ordering
Given that this is my personal blog, I occasionally like to write posts which give you, dear reader, an insight into my internal world. This is such a post. What I am currently wrestling with is… how to order books on my bookshelves. (I’m not promising that you’ll be enthralled by this insight into my…
The Angels Do Manhattan
With apologies to my friend Anne-Marie for the title of this blog post. I have to confess: I was a little bit disappointed with Saturday’s Doctor Who episode (The Pond Farewell – or, to give it its proper name, The Angels Take Manhattan). It just… well, it didn’t really work for me. Those of you who’ve…
End of a Prim-era
Today is a significant day: we are selling our car. It’s the end of an era… the end of a Nissan Primera, in fact (did you see what I did there? Ha!). It was just over a year ago that we bought the car, replacing our much-loved but expensive-to-run Saab. Being without a car will…
How London 2012 won my heart…
I was all set to be cynical. With shows like “Twenty Twelve” portraying how terribly the Olympic organisation process could be, I was ready to sit back and wait for the disaster to happen. At best, what with all the travel warnings I was expecting the Olympics to be an inconvenience. Something to be endured…
The Camera Saga
As I mentioned in my previous post, my camera was stolen while we were loading up to go on holiday. I finally managed to get through to the insurance company on Tuesday, and basically I can’t claim it on the insurance: there’s an exclusion clause on our insurance policy about the car being locked. It’s…
I’ve got this mole, you know…
… it’s making a hell of a mess of my garden!* So starts Jasper Carrott’s “The Mole” routine – to my mind one of the best starts to any comedy routine ever. Well, I actually do have a mole, but not the kind that digs in your garden: it’s the skin kind. It’s on my…