Category: Uncategorized

  • The Matrix Cow

    Ok, If you haven’t seen this — you need to! Matrix Cow (requires Windows Media Player… uh, I think) Yeah yeah, I know I said I wouldn’t update again. So what?

  • You can post in GMT

    Ok, so I just find out that you can post in GMT, you just have to edit the settings. I also find out that they don’t keep putting HTML in places where you don’t want it to go if you so desire. This is one very nifty little utility! I highly recommend it: Blogger: Because…

  • And so, what happened this afternoon?

    Hmmm. Anyone who is reading this blog will realise just how incredibly pointless it is after a few more of these posts… it’s not like I’m putting anything useful here or anything. Anyway. This afternoon I went… record shopping! Yeah baby! I spend far too much on those black 12″ round thingies. Got a few…

  • On the second day, Phill created … another blog thingy

    This is fantastically exciting stuff, isn’t it? Ah well. I am currently sat in a rather fun Robotics lab where I have to make a robot. And it doesn’t want to work at the moment. Grrr. People who read this blog (that should be just me then) may be asking the question: “Why? What’s the…

  • Ok, so it’s all in american time…

    I’ve just realised this blog is all in American time. This would be a fairly logical thing really, given that the server does reside in America… unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way of changing it to another timezone. Seeing as I’m not paying anything for it, I can’t really complain (although I am,…

  • The Blog Goes Live :-O

    That’s right! The moment you’ve all been dreading! I have finally succumbed to the whole “Blog” thing and decided to create my own… I really don’t have much to write about right now in this, my first Blog… but nevertheless, I’ll just post something up here anyway. I’ll leave you with the blessing: May the…