Tag: easter

  • Easter means don’t give up hope – Podcast 78

    Easter means don’t give up hope – Podcast 78

    “Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.” – G. K. Chesterton In this podcast we look at some news from the last week, a bit of personal news, and a reflection about Easter. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links

  • Why Easter is fundamental to Western society – Podcast #30

    Why Easter is fundamental to Western society – Podcast #30

    In this podcast we look at why Easter is so fundamental to Western society. The message of Easter is the biggest thing which is missing from our politics and society at the moment. Why is that? We look at David Bentley Hart’s book “Atheist Delusions” to help us. Links Harsh reality shocks the mollycoddled West…

  • Hymnology: The greatest day in history

    At Easter time, one of the things I often wonder is why we (and, I should say, I’m very much preaching to myself here) spend so much of the year more or less ignoring the resurrection. We talk about the cross an awful lot of the time, but often we don’t talk so much about…

  • Love Lustres at Calvary

    Easter Saturday is a slightly odd day, I find. It falls in between Good Friday, which is a very sombre day looking at the cross, and Easter Sunday which is joyfully looking at the resurrection. I find it’s not really a special day but it’s not a normal day either. Given that I didn’t post…