Tag: genesis

  • Genesis vs Science – Talk recording

    Genesis vs Science – Talk recording

    About 18 months ago, I ran a session at our church called “Genesis vs Science”. A few people had been asking questions about Genesis and the Bible and how it squared up with questions of science e.g. the Big Bang and evolution. The whole thing was recorded and for a while was available on our…

  • Sermon: Abraham and the Promise – Genesis 12:1-9

    This is the text of a sermon I preached this morning at church. It’s part of a series on Genesis (looking at Creation – Fall – Noah – Abraham – Joseph, following our Holiday Club themes). I think at some point I will need to reconsider posting up sermons as I’m not sure that the blog is…

  • Sermon: Genesis 42-45, Joseph and his Brothers Reconciled

    On Sunday night I preached at the evening service of Christ Church Cockfosters. I haven’t got the audio available just yet, but if you’d like to read the approximate text of what I preached, I’ve attached the script. If I get the audio too I will update this post. You might want to have the passage…

  • Creation / Evolution 5 – Ground Rules for interpretation

    This is part five in my (not-so-mini) series on “Creation, Evolution and Evangelicalism”. I’ve talked in previous posts (see that post for all the links) about why I think that so-called “Creationism”, more properly known as Young Earth Creationism or YEC for short, is not a sufficient explanation to account for both the Biblical and…

  • Creation / Evolution 4 – Genesis 1

    This is the fourth instalment of my mini-series “Creation, Evolution, and Evangelicalism”. Note that the series is still technically on hold, I just wanted to expand on a couple of things I mentioned in previous posts, namely to do with Genesis chapter 1. All clear? Good! 😉 But first, a clarification: I mentioned in a…

  • Creation / Evolution 2: The problems with Creationism

    This is the second part of my series “Creation, Evolution, and Evangelicalism“. To be honest, it’s not the most snappy title I’ve ever come up with, but it will do for now. In this post I will be exploring the reasons I believe that Creationism is wrong. Creationism is the belief that Genesis 1-2 describe…