Genesis vs Science – Talk recording

About 18 months ago, I ran a session at our church called “Genesis vs Science”. A few people had been asking questions about Genesis and the Bible and how it squared up with questions of science e.g. the Big Bang and evolution. The whole thing was recorded and for a while was available on our church website, unfortunately for various reasons it’s not there at the moment.

So, I’ve decided to upload the sessions here so that there’s a permanent archive of them in case they’re useful.

The morning was split into two halves – the first session was on the foundations of science, and the second was specifically about Genesis.

The first session started out with this video, which you may wish to watch first:


This is the handout, which you can download to refer to during the sessions:

Session 1 – Foundations of Science
Session 2 – What Genesis does and does not say


2 responses to “Genesis vs Science – Talk recording”

  1. […] My talk on Genesis vs Science is available on my website. […]

  2. […] The talk I referred to on Genesis and Science […]

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