Tag: government

  • Why the government needs accountability

    Why the government needs accountability

    Last week I started thinking about some principles of government. This time I focus on the issue of accountability: why do we need it, and where has it been over the last 12 months or so? Links mentioned in the video: The funeral of our craven, spineless media by James Delingpole Why has Google censored…

  • What is the government there for?

    What is the government there for?

    Last time we thought about how it feels like we’re in an abusive relationship with the government. So what should the government be like instead? Let’s take it back to first principles. Romans 13:1-5 is one of the few Bible passages which deal directly with the government. Let’s see which principles we can draw out.

  • Is our relationship with the government healthy?

    Is our relationship with the government healthy?

    The government have become such a part of our lives over the last few months, it’s almost like we’ve all entered into another relationship with them. But is that relationship healthy, or is it abusive? And how did we even get here? The article I refer to from Psychology Today is here: 20 signs your…

  • Reflections on passing 100,000: Grief and Anger

    Reflections on passing 100,000: Grief and Anger

    Recently the UK passed a pretty grim milestone: we went over 100,000 covid deaths. The UK has one of the worst death rates in the world – according to Worldometer, we are currently number five on the list (if you sort by deaths per million population). The two most common reactions I’ve seen have been…

  • Gay Marriage and other lighthearted topics

    Honestly. It feels like the news has gone a bit crazy recently, what with the ASA ruling that God cannot heal people, then the whole fracas about ‘militant secularism’, and now this: people going a bit crazy over whether the definition of marriage should be changed to include same-sex marriages. It seemed to kick off…