Tag: science

  • The Naivety of trusting “The Science”

    The Naivety of trusting “The Science”

    Why have so many people had such a childlike faith in “the science” over the last 18 months? Is it wise? What can we do about it? In this video we look at the problems of trusting in “the science”. Links “Genesis vs Science” recording Never Trust a Scientist These videos are now also available…

  • When science becomes politics, people die

    When science becomes politics, people die

    Over the last 15 months we’ve got used to the sight of social media fact-checkers. But are they impartial and unbiased? And is there a deeper problem going on in the field of science? Articles I mentioned The Scandal of the Suppressed Case for Ivermectin (The Conservative Woman) COVID-19: The final nail in the coffin…

  • Masks and the (ab)use of evidence

    Masks and the (ab)use of evidence

    In this video I look at the evidence surrounding face masks and some of the complexities involved. At the end of the day, I believe it doesn’t come down to a question of evidence but how we want to be as a society.

  • Lockdown has turned us back to superstition

    Lockdown has turned us back to superstition

    We are often told that restrictions are necessary in order due to worrying variants etc. But is that really “following the science”? I think the lockdowns have rather turned us back towards a dark age of superstition. Links Telegraph article about lockdowns in Germany InProportion2 list of studies on lockdowns Spiked article about Peru My…

  • Genesis vs Science – Talk recording

    Genesis vs Science – Talk recording

    About 18 months ago, I ran a session at our church called “Genesis vs Science”. A few people had been asking questions about Genesis and the Bible and how it squared up with questions of science e.g. the Big Bang and evolution. The whole thing was recorded and for a while was available on our…

  • God’s Existence and Kalam

    This academic year, I’ve been taking a class on the Doctrine of God. Last week we were studying God’s eternity, and as part of that we looked at the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig’s formulation of it – that link goes through to his website, where you can watch a short video on the Kalam which…

  • Is Evolution becoming a religion?

    This other day I read Nick Spencer’s article “The big fat lies of evolution” (you’ll have to read it to understand the title). He talks about the way a layperson – not a scientist – casually used an evolutionary mechanism to explain obesity. He concludes: But the use of this narrative [i.e. the evolutionary narrative], by someone…

  • New Scientist: “The God Issue”

    Yesterday Mrs Phil bought me a copy of the latest New Scientist magazine,  “The God Issue”, because it looked interesting. I’ve had a chance to read through it now – or at least the relevant articles – and I thought I’d post up a quick review. Know Your Enemy The introduction, ‘Know your enemy’, starts…

  • Creation / Evolution 6: Putting it together…

    This is the final post in my mini-series on “Creation, Evolution and Evangelicalism.” In my last post I looked at what the ground rules would be for interpretation. So in this, the last post on the subject, I will give you the answer you’ve all been waiting for: all your questions about Genesis, Paul, Creation and Evolution will fall…

  • Creation / Evolution 4 – Genesis 1

    This is the fourth instalment of my mini-series “Creation, Evolution, and Evangelicalism”. Note that the series is still technically on hold, I just wanted to expand on a couple of things I mentioned in previous posts, namely to do with Genesis chapter 1. All clear? Good! 😉 But first, a clarification: I mentioned in a…