And, onto Monday

Half way through the holidays already! But that’s almost unfeasible! Oh well. So, what did I get up to today then? Hmmm? Come on, all you psychics out there! No? Oh well.

Anyway, I went into town this morning. ’twas brillig, and the slithy tothe did … Oh wait. I meant to say, “was good.” Yes. Oh yes. I did. Indeed. Rather. Quite. Absolutely. Frubjous day, calloo callay, he chortled in his joy. So, what did I do in town, my young apprentice? I bought a record (Sasha – Artificial Heart). I’m actually rather disappointed with the amount of stuff out this week… there isn’t really anything of note. Anyway, I also bought the second series of “Spaced”. It’s an excellent comedy sitcom. Me and Phil, before last year’s Soul Survivor, pulled an all-nighter watching all of the episodes… think I enjoyed them a bit more watching them while I wasn’t tired though! Speaking of Soul Survivor, I’d like to go again this year, if someone can get on with it and actually do something about it! Oh wait, none of the ones who organise it read this blog. Oh well.

Um, anyway. Then I went into Woodbridge. Caught up with a few people; some I meant to, some I didn’t. Woodbridge is the kind of small town where you just bump into people that you know — it’s what I like about Essex University as well. You can’t go through campus without meeting someone that you know (if you count the chaplaincy as well, then it’s virtually impossible…)

And speaking of Essex Uni, I’m looking forward to going back. It’s good to have a break, but I want (a) that cable connection back, (b) to be with all my uni friends again (not necessarily in that order, as Ernie Wise might have said).

Well, to quote Loony Tunes, or whoever the heck it was, That’s all folks!

Peace out. Innit. Aiiiiiiii. Respect. Westside. And, uh, yeah.

“Spaced” Official (Fan) Website
My Record Collection (well, I haven’t linked to it in a while…)


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