Part Two of the Epic Instalment of, uh, something: Tuesday

Yep. Well, didn’t do much today. Did an hour or so of Computer Graphics revision, now I’ve gone through all my Graphics notes! Time to start again at the beginning going through in greater detail…

After reading “The Cross of Christ”, I decided to start something a bit more lightweight, so I’m reading “Sowing, Reaping, Keeping” by Laurence Singlehurst. I’m already half way through it! It’s actually a very good book, I’m currently thinking about some practical changes that we can make in the CU to reflect what I’m reading. Lots of ideas to bring to the CU committee anyway, and I’m sure everyone else will be thinking along similar lines (they bought similar books while we were at the UCCF conference 🙂

Um, and yeah. Didn’t do much else. Oh, and this is just for Simon: I spoke to Philippa (amongst others) on the Phil Phorums.

Excellent! All for now, me ‘ol chums…


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