Max Barry, iPods, and Linux

My signed copy of companyI mentioned in my last post that I was going to post up a picture of the book that Max Barry signed for me. Well, here it is! The “who rescued me in a Warwick Avenue Pub” bit was because I was the first one to arrive after Max. When I got in and said hello, he said that he was a bit nervous for a couple of minutes worrying that no-one was going to show up! Anyway. That is actually the first book I’ve ever had signed by the author, so I’m rather pleased ๐Ÿ™‚

The next thing is, iPods and Linux. I don’t know if I posted much about this before, but basically I’ve had some trouble with my iPod and Linux. There were a couple of bits of software I tried for it, namely YamiPod and GtkPod. Both of them seemed to have trouble with my iPod. It wasn’t so much that they didn’t want to work with it at all, it was just that I would sometimes find songs disappeared (don’t ask me why!). They would appear to be there when I looked at them on my computer, but when I disconnected my iPod and looked they had disappeared. Strange.

Anyway, I think I’ve got that problem cracked. My iPod is quite a new one – it’s a fifth generation video iPod, which is apparently quite new. I was using a slightly older version of GtkPod – something like 0.93. It was in the Fedora Core extras RPM repository, which is probably why it was a few versions behind… the latest version is something like version 0.99. I’ve downloaded and installed it, and it seemed to work absolutely fine!

I’ve transferred 746 songs to my iPod, and it shows up with 746 there… not bad going!

So, I’d recommend newer versions of GtkPod if you’re dealing with an iPod and Linux! If I come across any other problems, I shall be sure to post here. Anyway, stick a fork in me, I’m done. Night!


7 responses to “Max Barry, iPods, and Linux”

  1. You mean you don’t have a signed copy of my novel?!?

  2. I’m afraid I don’t, Simon! But, you know, if you want to throw one this way then feel free ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I’m amazed how few of my friends have a copy of my book! If you lot haven’t been buying them, who has?!?

    They’re ร‚ยฃ6.99 a copy if you’d like one – either direct from me, or through Amazon or from any good bookshop!

  4. I must say Max Barry is impressing me – he seems to be quite happy to meet his fans and not just at big events either.

  5. Yeah he’s a really cool guy – if you get the chance to meet him, do ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. May read one of his books first! Can you help out with that? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Well, the book’s he’s written are (in chronological order): Syrup, Jennifer Government, Company. I haven’t read the first two. Syrup is not published in the UK (although you can order it from Amazon), Jennifer Government is. You might like Company, I can’t vouch for the other two but I’m sure they’re just as good (Jennifer Government seems to be his best-known one though).

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