Wicked Weekend

It was a rather nice weekend, actually! On Friday night, after work, I headed down to stay with Phil’s parents for the weekend (Phil had already gone down on Thursday, I didn’t leave her at home for the weekend!)

After dinner we went out to have a cup of tea with a few friends we hadn’t seen in a while (well, I hadn’t anyway. See what I said above about when Phil leaving the day before me).

On Saturday we went to buy a couple of plants, including a Cistus for the front garden and a Coffea plant for my desk at work. In the evening, as an early birthday present for me we went to see the show “Wicked”. We both very much enjoyed it. A few of our friends have been to see Wicked several times – I’m not sure I liked it that much, but it was a class above a lot of new musicals in that it had a really good story and – what is missing from a lot of things – a message! I liked the message about how things are not always black and white – the “wicked” witch isn’t really wicked. “No good deed goes unpunished”, one of the songs, was quite thought provoking for me!

Anyway. On Sunday we came back home for the 11:15 service at Fordham, and then in the afternoon went round to Wivenhoe for Sarah’s birthday party. Quite a few people were there including a number of Sarah’s old school mates. We had a BBQ – despite the rain – and a bouncy castle! I must confess to not going on the bouncy castle due to the rain. I did take a few pictures though, and most will appear on my Flickr account in due course.

So that was the weekend! I think that’s just about everything…


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