So Phill, what’s up?

Nothing much really. Got up this morning and went to Fordham. Because Mike is away in Zermatt for a couple of weeks, Dick Lucas was speaking today. I have to say that he is an absolutely fantastic speaker. He was talking about Romans 9, which I understand all the better for the sermon that I heard this morning! He’s speaking again next week on the second half of Romans 9 which I am looking forward to (assuming I can get a lift…)

Then, I came back home, and uploaded a new article for Crossring. We’re doing a series on the Beatitudes for Easter at the moment; this is the first of that series (Matt 5:3).

Dunamis is tonight, which I am looking forward to! Mad Welsman Phil has done a lot of the organisation (and scripting and stuff) so it should be good. And I’m not DJing there (for intro / outro music) tonight which I bet people will be grateful for!

Matthew’s party was good last night. Actually, technically it wasn’t a party (they’re not allowed parties over there according to their contract, we discovered!) so it was a “gathering”. Not many people there (Me, Mad Welshman Phil, Alex, Liz, Andy C, Gavin, and of course Matthew). Still it was a good time of cake, wine and chat 🙂

Now I think I’m going to play some music… perhaps work on a prog trance demo I’ve been thinking about for a while. It’s all good!


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