Mark Watson, Exams and Pubs

This weekend has been slightly extended because we had Friday off to revise for our Moore Course exam. Although we were revising all day, we did go out in the evening to see Mark Watson, who we knew from Radio 4 (his radio show “Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better” was one of my favourite comedies on Radio 4). Anyway, it was absolutely brilliant – we were laughing all the way through! There is something about seeing comedy live which makes it funnier. I think I will see if Mark Watson has any CDs or DVDs out, it would be worth getting!

Anyway. On Saturday morning we had our Moore Course exam. Despite being a bit late due to some confusion over where the exam was actually being held, I think it went pretty well. Possibly not quite as well as the previous two exams, but it’s always so difficult to tell! I managed to answer all the questions at least, the tricky bit is knowing how many marks you got for those questions. I think I rambled a bit in the essay question, but then I suppose most people probably don’t write at their best under exam conditions. We will find out our results in a few weeks, I’m not waiting with baited breath but it will be interesting!

Afterwards we went out to lunch (the Sun Inn at Dedham), which was very pleasant. When we got back home we did a bit of gardening (mowed the lawns for the first time this year – the grass had got a bit long, I hope we didn’t cut it too short). And then we went to dinner with Simon at the Yew Tree in Great Horkesley. It’s been ages since we saw Simon (hello Simon, by the way, I expect you will be reading this at some point!) so it was really good to catch up. And the dinner was nice too, as it usually is there.

On Sunday we went to church in the morning (to both services!) and then came back home for lunch. We did a bit of sorting out in the afternoon and then had a nice walk around Highwoods Country Park. Then we watched “The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency”, which I’m getting quite into, and before that “The Lost Art of Oratory”.

So now you know!


One response to “Mark Watson, Exams and Pubs”

  1. […] the show was absolutely hilarious. Probably even better than the last time. About ten minutes before the show started he came onto the stage and starting talking to the […]

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