Given that this is my personal blog, I occasionally like to write posts which give you, dear reader, an insight into my internal world. This is such a post.
What I am currently wrestling with is… how to order books on my bookshelves. (I’m not promising that you’ll be enthralled by this insight into my mind…)
Let me explain: I think people who need to own a variety of Bible commentaries are in a relatively unique position, book-wise: commentaries come in lots of different series. These series generally have a consistent design theme, so in the picture above (which is a picture of one of my shelves in my study) you can see the orange covers (Bible Speaks Today), and the white/blue covers (Pillar New Testament Commentary).
The issue I have is… do I order books by series, or do I order books by the order of books in the Bible? Which should take priority? If I group the books by the book of the Bible they’re on, it will make it easier to find commentaries on a particular book – but it won’t look as nice. I like the satisfaction of seeing a shelf with nice and neat rows of books, not all messed up!
Someone please, tell me I’m not going mad here!
Hi, my name is Phill, and I’m slightly obsessive-compulsive…
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