End Game: Destruction of the Family – Podcast #8


2 responses to “End Game: Destruction of the Family – Podcast #8”

  1. Vivienne Picken avatar
    Vivienne Picken

    Thank you so much for your ministry that speaks to me of truth. I feel alienated in my church as people there appear to support all that is happening in our world in respect of sexuality, same sex marriage, lockdowns and face masks. So I turn to your podcasts to hear you voice what I believe is happening and to give me courage and offer me hope. Please keep going.
    If I am ever banned from church for not having the appropriate health passport to admit me, at least I shall have your podcasts. I am fearful it may come to that.

    1. Hi Vivienne, thank you. I’m really sad to hear about your church. Sadly so many churches lately have bought into worldly beliefs. I really hope that things change – and yes, I am planning to keep going! God bless. Phill

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