Category: In the news

  • The religion of lockdown & climate change

    The religion of lockdown & climate change

    Have you noticed that the way the government and media often talk about climate change and lockdowns is almost religious? Here I look at the similarities between Christianity, lockdowns, and climate change. As I discussed in my previous post, this is a new foray into vlogging… if you’re into YouTube, pop on over and subscribe…

  • A few thoughts about safeguarding

    A few thoughts about safeguarding

    A couple of days ago, the organisation ThirtyOne:Eight released their review into what happened at Emmanuel Church Wimbledon and Jonathan Fletcher (see the report from the Independent Advisory Group for a shorter summary). This follows hard on the heels of the full report about Ravi Zacharias which was only released just over a month ago.…

  • Why has God taken our songs away?

    Why has God taken our songs away?

    Over the last 12 months during the pandemic, government guidance has prevented many churches from singing. Why has God allowed this to happen? In this short video we look at Psalm 95 to help us understand. Key points In the video I take a very brief look at Psalm 95. Verses 1-2 tell us to…

  • Are men the problem?

    Are men the problem?

    I’ve been thinking a lot about our response to Sarah Everard. One thing which really worries me is the way it pits men and women against one another. For once, I’ve actually tried to do a vlog about this rather than a written post. Over the last few months I’ve begun to feel it’s easier…

  • Me on Irreverend

    Me on Irreverend

    After my last couple of articles about Experts (this one and this one), the good chaps over at the Irreverend Podcast invited me to chat with them. We had a really good discussion – it’s quite long (about 90 minutes), but I think we covered some really interesting ground. It was a helpful conversation for…

  • Schaeffer on 2021

    Schaeffer on 2021

    “How could a book written 50 years ago so accurately make sense of what’s happening today?” Those were my thoughts as I read Francis Schaeffer’s book The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century. I’ve mentioned Francis Schaeffer a few times lately – I’ve discovered his writings over the last couple of years, and…

  • Analysing Essex Covid Cases (Dec 20)

    Analysing Essex Covid Cases (Dec 20)

    Over the last week or two, I’ve started tracking the covid cases in Essex. I’ve actually created a little data tracker where you can track cases and deaths across every region in Essex. (The data is taken from official ONS data and uses the most up-to-date data available). I created it because I was curious…

  • Covid and Biblical Principles: Truth

    Covid and Biblical Principles: Truth

    In my previous post I looked at the Biblical principles of safety. In this post we’re going to look at another principle which is very relevant to the current situation: truth. I want to outline a few Biblical principles for truth, and then if there’s space at the end talk a little about how we’re…

  • Covid has given us what we (thought we) wanted

    Covid has given us what we (thought we) wanted

    Have you ever got exactly what you wanted, only to find that it wasn’t actually what you wanted? That’s a bit like how I’ve been feeling recently. It seems to me like covid has, in a funny kind of way, actually given us what we wanted. Only we found out we don’t actually want it…

  • Political truth vs Actual truth

    Political truth vs Actual truth

    I had another one of my epiphanies yesterday. As I was chatting to my wife, something became clear to me which I hadn’t really seen clearly before. That is: there are now two kinds of truth in the world – political truth and actual truth. They’re not the same thing at all. To some extent…