Category: Sacred Musings
Freedom requires authority – Podcast 76
In this podcast we look at the first chapter of Os Guinness’ book “The Magna Carta of Humanity”, about how freedom requires authority – i.e., God. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
The 1997 Hypothesis – Podcast 75
In this podcast we look at the “1997 Hypothesis” – the idea that 1997 was a watershed moment for our society. (At least) three significant things happened – the election of Tony Blair and New Labour, the death of Princess Diana, and the release of Harry Potter. I argue that all three things were significant…
You say you wanna revolution? – Podcast 74
In this episode we start looking at Os Guinness’ new book “The Magna Carta of Humanity” and compare the 1776 American Revolution with the 1789 French Revolution. Which one do we want to build our society on? Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Is it time to leave the Church of England? – Podcast 73
Given what has happened in recent weeks, has the time come for orthodox believers and churches to leave the Church of England? In this video I give my thoughts on this question. Also we have some news and a reflection about the Railway Children. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Do we need MORE than revival? – Podcast #72
In this podcast we think about the revival in Asbury and whether we need more than revival as a society. Do we need something more akin to a new reformation, and what might that look like? Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Is it ‘Game Over’ for the Church of England? – Podcast #70
In this podcast we look at events happening in the Church of England and think about whether this means ‘game over’. How should orthodox Christians respond? Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Get the government out of my life! – Podcast #69
In this podcast we look at how the government is involved in just about every area of our lives. We think about the problems of taxation and about how the government needs to be scaled back. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
War on Creation and why conservatism failed – Podcast #68
In this podcast we look at how so much of what is happening is War on Creation, and also why it is that conservatism has failed to make an impact. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Strikes, The CofE, and Freedom, Faith and Virtue – Podcast #67
A shorter podcast with my thoughts about strikes, the Church of England and same-sex “blessings”, and Os Guinness on Freedom, Faith and Virtue. Alternatively, check out the audio podcast. Links
Lessons from John Locke on freedom and government – Podcast #66
In this podcast we look at John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government to see what we can learn about liberty and the role and limits of civil society. APOLOGIES FOR THE AUDIO QUALITY IN THE MIDDLE – I was using a new feature on my software I hadn’t tested, and it distorted the audio. I…