Cheesy tunes and photos of the party

Firstly, let me just have a short rant about cheesy tunes. Well not even a rant. I just have to say it was absolutely awful. That was probably one of the worst that I’ve been to all year. The problem was, they didn’t actually play anything cheesy. Well, about two or three songs perhaps. That’s just not acceptable for ‘cheesy’ tunes! They had a new DJ doing it, and he was playing random stuff (mainly rnb I guess) although none of it was cheesy. What is going on, I don’t know… I may well send an email to ents telling them so! Yeah, that’d show ’em…

On a more positive note, I’ve finally got some pictures of Simon’s party! Yay! You can see them here. I’m afraid that just about every one except one contains a picture of me, but apart from that they’re pretty good! I should be getting some more soon, hopefully of me DJing, so keep ’em peeled 😉


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