Friday, 2nd May, 2003 AD, -2003 BC

I thought I’d better post now, seeing as I’m going out to Cheesy Tunes tonight and might not feel like posting anything when I get back. You never know.

This morning I went in for committee meeting. The databases lecture was, I’m pretty sure, non-existent. I thought my robotics lecture was non-existent because the lecturer said that he’d email us if there was going to be one… unfortunately, he didn’t email until about an hour beforehand, which was too late. Oh well. C’est la vie, non?

Anyway. After committee I came back home and had lunch — this could well be the first day since I’ve been back at uni that I’ve had all my meals at home! Wow. That’s deep, dude.

Just been into town. I posted off a couple of CDs to a friend of mine (who I mentioned yesterday). Honestly, spent ten minutes in the queue only to find out that I could have just put a second class stamp on it… oh well. I’ll remember that for next time — two CDs don’t weigh enough to go into the second price tier under the Royal Mail system! I worked at a sorting office as a temp last summer, I should know these things. Oh well.

Anyway. Have sorted out a few records for Simon‘s party tomorrow. I won’t get a chance tomorrow as we’re having a committee day as St Botolph’s Church until 3:00, and I’m leaving for the party at 3:30 to help set up. I’m looking forward to it, it should be good fun!


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